Alma Paul King was born April 14, 1936 in Garland, Utah. Paul is the name he was known by everyone. He passed away from this life peacefully early in the morning of June 27, 2021. The afternoon and evening prior, several close family members visited Paul – holding his hands, expressing their love, talking about cherished memories, and reading him scriptures. He is preceded in death by the love of his life, MarJean Andreason King. Paul is survived by his older sister, Marlene King Nelson, younger brother, Larry, and four children: Kathy Linn (Dan Bradshaw), Kevin Paul (Marjorie Church), Jill Renee’ (Marshall Murdock), and Jason Hardman (Caressa Thrift). He is the proud grandfather of 19 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. 

Paul was a very humble person and sought only to do the will of God in his life. He loved God with all his heart, mind, and strength, and Jesus Christ as his Savior and Redeemer. He loved people as Jesus did, worked and served tirelessly in bringing to pass God’s work, and touched many lives for good.  

Paul served a mission to Hawaii, and with his wife MarJean, they served together in Africa, Florida, and Sweden. He did his best in his various callings in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout his life. Paul enjoyed being in nature among God’s creations, whether on a walk, staying in a cabin, or camping outdoors. He loved eating big salads, sandwiches, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and of course, lots of ice cream.  

In his final years, Paul loved to say, “Carry on! Carry on!” Along with the Apostle Paul, our Paul’s legacy lives on, and we can imagine him modestly saying, 

“I have fought a good fight. I have finished    my course. I have kept the faith. Henceforth     there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness; which the Lord, the righteous judge shall give    me at that day: and not to me only, but unto     them also that love his appearing.”   (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Friends and family are invited to attend his funeral on Saturday, July 10, 2021, at 11:00 am at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints located at 850 North 900 East, American Fork, UT. Viewings are Friday, July 9, 2021, from 6:00-8:00 pm and Saturday, July 10, 2021, from 9:30-10:30 am at the same building. Services can be viewed remotely at 

Please make donations to the Missionary Fund of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in place of flowers. 

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Rex Erickson and Beverly

    We loved our Mission President A. Paul King and his wife MarJean. They are forever in our hearts. We would be there to honor President King but unable to travel at this time. Our sincere love goes to the family at this time. We are donating to the Missionary fund in this great mans name. He was a man of wisdom and great love for the Savior.

    1. Jill King Murdock

      Thank you for this sweet comment! He LOVED being with you missionaries in Florida! Thank you for your donation to continue this great work as we hasten to prepare for the coming reign of our Savior! Carry on in so great a cause!

  2. patricialake

    Please accept my love and deepest sympathy to all of you in Paul’s family. Bruce and I so enjoyed the association we had with him and and MarJean. They are the salt of the earth and we love them both. If Bruce were here I know he would join me in these thoughts. Love to all of you, Pat Lake

    1. Jill King Murdock

      Thank you Pat for sharing your love. Mom and dad sure do love you two! They always spoke highly of you and treasured your life long friendship!

  3. Amuzie Nwachukwu

    He served as our Area Director in CES Africa West. He live in Nigeria and Ghana. He was a father to some of us in Nigeria. A great teacher and leader who led with love and precision. I remember as my boss in Lagos Nigeria, when as a single young man he asked me to buy a flight ticket to go spend a weekend in another city because he knew I needed that rest. I will forever remember and cherish the great time I had with Paul and MarJean as I learned under his feet. Great and kind hearted couple who fear God and eschew evil. Rest on my (adopted) parents until the resurrection morning. Amuzie Nwachukwu

    1. Jill King Murdock

      Thank you Amuzie for sharing!! You and Blessing are a gift to my parents! It was so wonderful to meet her and I look forward to when you are here and we all can go to the temple!

  4. Lynn and Nelda Loftus

    We loved serving with Paul in CES and in the Stockholm Temple. We loved your parents and know them to be strong followers of our Savior. Our deepest sympathy to all the family and friends.

    1. Jill King Murdock

      Thank you for these kind words. We feel so blessed to have them as our parents!

  5. Gordon & Barbara Mauss

    We served with Paul & MarJean and family as CES colleagues in Southern California for many years. We consider them eternal friends and look forward being reunited with them on the other side of the veil. We send our condolences, love and blest wishes to his family who remember with fondness.

    1. Jill King Murdock

      It was so wonderful to see you two! Oh we treasure our CA days and memories of CES time with families! Thank you for being eternal friends with them!

  6. Wade Sticht

    I feel so blessed to have happened upon President King unexpectedly in the temple a few years ago. I got to talk with him and sit next to him, literally shoulder to shoulder doing the Lord’s work. We reminisced a little on our short time together in Florida. What a great man he is! He blessed my life immensely and showed me what a real man of God should be.

    1. Jill King Murdock

      What a beautiful tender mercy for that treasured memory! A great place to build a friendship.

  7. John Savage Naegle

    The obituary is spot on. We knew Paul and MarJean when he was the Area Director for the South Area. They love life and he was so kind, wise knowledge able and Christlike, he lived what taught. Besides being a good friend, he suggested and then encouraged me to get a doctors degree.

    1. Jill Murdock

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and congratulations on working hard to get your doctorate!

  8. Westin Killpack

    Dear family, we are happy for your father in having “graduated” from this life of mortality and his joining your wonderful mother. I first met your father in 1958 when we each returned from our missions and lived in the same neighborhood. One of the first things we did together was to teach and bring into the Church, David Young. We studied together and were privileged to each be hired as seminary teachers. We double dated and thoroughly enjoyed a lifetime as friends. Lois and I send our condolences and love to each of you.

    1. Jill King Murdock

      You two are jewels in their life! We love reading about your friendship in his life book. A true testimony of eternal friendships!

  9. Carol Follett

    Yes, Paul “touched our family for good” He inspired my reading and sharing the Book of Mormon. Our family lived in the same California ward in the 70’s creating a lasting friendship. He was my bishop. Ever grateful for his spiritual insight, guidance and leadership. Paul along with his family – forever friends, My love to Kathy, Jill, Kevin, Jason and families. A blessed time in remembering and celebrating the life of a great man.

    1. Jill King Murdock

      Oh we love love love our dear Follet family and friends! Thank you for staying in touch and loving us like you do!

  10. Carol Groberg

    Paul and MarJean were the best. He was my institute religion teacher in Ogden, Utah in the 1960’s. He was a wonderful teacher and friend. When Charles and I were married, in the Salt Lake Temple, they were always there to courage and advise us on challenges to come. Our oldest son, Paul, is his named sake. While they were living in California, we visited them and really enjoyed the Long Beach Tour. I loved visiting them. There home was a heaven on earth. I hated to leave. I also teased him about his surname, King. He is the king, and I am nothing. They were many good times with the King’s. Until we meet again, so long.

    1. Jill King Murdock

      This is beautiful to read! Thank you for sharing this! I know they are so grateful for your friendship and want you to know that you are of royal birth – no need for a King name;)

  11. Alyson Ingebretsen

    Love you Paul! Thank you for the legacy of love and faith you’ve instilled in your children, grandchildren and everyone around you! Because of your example of pure Christ-like love, your hope in good things, and your faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ, I am who I am today. I could not have climbed the mountains in my life without your help. Thank you!

    1. Jill King Murdock

      Thank you for sharing Aly! We sure do love and appreciate you!

  12. Karl Farnsworth

    Paul and I began our servicve in CES the same year – the fall of 1960. He,who was born in Garland, Utah, was assigned to teach in Beaver County (Milford, I think it was) and I, who was born and raised in Beaver, Utah was assigned to the Seminary in Garland, Utah. Later, as our assignments had us both in the Provo area at the same time, Marjean typed my Masters degee thesis.

    Jackie and I have always had a close bond with Paul and MarJean. We we send our condolences to their extended family, with love for their dear parents.

    Karl & Jackie Fafrnsworth

  13. Jill King Murdock

    How fun!! Mom told us she typed a lot of thesis’. Thank you for sharing these memories!

  14. Ralph Kmetzsch

    I meet Paul while serving at the MTC in Provo he had just returned from being the Mission President in Orlando Florida and was called as one of my counselors in a Branch Presidency. I will never forget when I first meet him and after we had talked for a few minutes he asked me if he could hug me so that he could feel my spirit. This man is love, he showed it, lived it and shared it. Our love goes out to the family at this time.

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